My kids and I watched you fly over our house as you were flying back to the Bay Area from Santa Cruz the other day.
The Zeppelin looked beautiful and my kids were amazed! The Farmers Insurance logo is great marketing!
-- Scott Plautz
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Spotted Passing Over Morro Rock
Accidental sighting as the zeppelin Eureka headed northwest along the central California coast after passing over Morro Rock.
-- Dave Hall
-- Dave Hall
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
US Golf Little League Opening Day 2010

The moment "Eureka" appeared in the skies above the event, directly over the USGLL logo the oooh's and aaah's could be heard throughout the golf course.
Each and every kid as well as the parents and spectators truly felt being part of something very special.
My hat is off to you and the crew at Airship Ventures for helping make our 2010 Season kick off with a "REALLY BIG" showing.
-- Kevin Flanagan, President, USGLL
Friday, April 23, 2010
First Sighting for my 2 Year Old
We just saw your blimp over my house!...directly over my house at Waring Ave, LA, CA. He was coming from Highland and Melrose and headed toward Santa Monica. It was my 2 year old daughter's first blimp sighting, very cool guys!
-- Olivia Owens
-- Olivia Owens
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sitting in my 3rd floor office at the County of Sacramento's Administrative Center
I was sitting in my 3rd floor office at the County of Sacramento's Administrative Center when I looked out the window and noticed this zeppelin floating past. I see a lot of planes from Sacramento International but this is the first zeppelin I've seen from my window here. I called all the staff over to get a look - lots of 'oohs' and 'ahhs'. I figured I should get a photo so I pulled out my camera and took the attached picture.
-- Mike Miller
-- Mike Miller
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Nude Sunbathing in Carmel
Flew over my house in Carmel while I was nude sunbathing. Forgot to take a picture.
-- Tony Kendall
-- Tony Kendall
Friday, April 16, 2010
Happy to See Eureka Over Castro Valley
When we moved from our apartment in Oakland 6 months ago, one of the things we had to give up was seeing Eureka fly over our home on a regular basis. Well, today while hiking in the hills above our new home in Castro Valley we caught site of our old friend as she headed back to Moffett Field. Owen was delighted to see her again and got a closer look with the binoculars he received for his recent birthday. Now that he is 3, he is now old enough to ride on the airship that he helped dedicate back in 2008.
-- Chris & Owen Humphrey
-- Chris & Owen Humphrey
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Seen over Citrus Heights
It was quite a sight, and reminded me that there used to be a fair amount of them around several decades ago... It was a great experience to see this one, and not one my son will soon forget, as it was so close, too!
-- Larry @ Big Valley Metal Detectors
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Folsom Area
I saw the Eureka over the Folsom area last night at 5:20p.m. as I was heading home from the Mather Field base, then again this morning over Bradshaw Road and Hwy 50 area from the Mather base at about 8:00a.m.
-- Scott Saunders
-- Scott Saunders
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Outside My Office Window in Natoma Area of Sacramento
-- Micah Rousey
Over the South End of Elk Grove
-- Judi Marcantu
McClellan Park
-- Jessica Shevlin
That was the most fun I have had today!
Just went overhead! came from 99 and crossed right over our building (3rd and S) and the river then went upriver towards McClellan.
Unfortunately, I ran down and saw it as it would not have passed my window. a co-worker came down just then so I borrowed his cell and called up but my other coworker didn't answer. so I ran up to get people and ran down ( I mean ran the whole way) and by the time we were on the street it had turned and was heading north. I saw it coming and I saw it going. would have been cool to have been right under it when it turned but… anyway. that was the most fun I have had today!
-- Janet Myles
Unfortunately, I ran down and saw it as it would not have passed my window. a co-worker came down just then so I borrowed his cell and called up but my other coworker didn't answer. so I ran up to get people and ran down ( I mean ran the whole way) and by the time we were on the street it had turned and was heading north. I saw it coming and I saw it going. would have been cool to have been right under it when it turned but… anyway. that was the most fun I have had today!
-- Janet Myles
Thursday, April 1, 2010
NAC Operating from Harumi
Our friend in Japan, JK Chan sends us these pictures of the airship in Tokyo, operating from Harumi.
(After a days work... bedtime amidst skyscrapers)
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