Saw the airship flying over downtown Los Angeles on December 29th, 2010 at about 4:30 in the afternoon.
Realized immediately that this was no ordinary "blimp!"
Not a blimp at all, as it turns out!
This was something really "different!"
Spotted the tail propeller, but missed the side-mounted engines completely!
It appeared really, really long!
The gondola seemed to be quite far forward compared to ordinary "blimps!"
The ship disappeared behind a building and did not re-appear on the other side of the building. It must have turned to the north, and stayed hidden behind that building as it flew away.
-- Carl Hazen
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
During the Morning Commute in LA
I had my second sighting of the Zeppelin NT in late October during my morning commute to LA. I was driving on the westbound 91 freeway near the 605 when I saw the elegant Zeppelin NT flying north, perpendicular to my car's path. My travels took me northbound behind the airship, which breezed past the heavy traffic. I snapped a photo with my phone
-- David Seiden
-- David Seiden
Thursday, December 2, 2010
While Visiting Sunnyvale, California
We spotted the blimp on Tuesday, Nov. 30, while we were staying at the Wild Palms hotel in Sunnyvale, Calif for an uncle's funeral. I took a cell phone photo. When I got back home to St. Paul, Minn., I researched the blimp and discovered it's home is Sunnyvale and found this blog. Fun to see!
-- Greg Bury
-- Greg Bury
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Over our Heads on Halloween
The Eureka flew directly over our heads as my husband and I hiked on the Moffett Bay Trail as it came in for a landing at Moffett Field on Halloween afternoon. How many people can say they've had a zeppelin fly directly over their head?
-- Erica
-- Erica
Monday, November 1, 2010
Halloween in Burlingame
Halloween in our neighborhood is filled with decorated homes, made-up haunted houses, lighted houses, big spiders, ghosts, RIP signs, cob webs and cauldrons... On this Halloween, there was not a witch in the sky, but instead, the Farmers Airship Flying across the moon in the Halloween sky!
-- Marcus Jang
-- Marcus Jang
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Santa Cruz Mountains
This is the second time the Farmers Airship has flown directly over my house, so close I could almost see the people in the cabin! It was around 12:15am Pacific, Sunday, Oct. 31st, I was standing on my driveway,just about to go inside, when it floated over the hillside like a vision! I live in the Santa Cruz Mountains and it is a rural area, so seeing the airship was just so exciting!
-- Christine Wood
-- Christine Wood
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Cambria, Over the Ocean
Redding, California
August 13, 2010:
Saw it flying over the I-5 freeway right outside of Redding, CA on our way up to Oregon for vacation. Took the picture through the front windshield as we were driving on the freeway.
-- Leslie Ulricksen
Saw it flying over the I-5 freeway right outside of Redding, CA on our way up to Oregon for vacation. Took the picture through the front windshield as we were driving on the freeway.
-- Leslie Ulricksen
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Over UCLA in LA
On 7/31/10 at around 6:40 pm, I saw "Farmers" over the parking lot at UCLA in LA, and took some pictures when the airship was doing circling over UCLA.
-- Kyeong-Sik Shin
-- Kyeong-Sik Shin
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Back on Memorial Day, 2009
As a member of, camera is always in hand when looking for photos for my VT pages travel tips. On Memorial Day, May 25, 2009 at 12:45pm, I was standing on the top deck of the cruise ship Carnival Paradise while in the Port of Long Beach enjoying the sights of Long Beach, California before the ship sailed. I looked up and to my amazement was a wondrous sight, an actual Zeppelin flying overhead. I snapped the photo of the airship without even looking at the camera's settings, I was so excited. I got the photo. I also got the bug to one day take my wife on a flight from Long Beach. Each day is a day closer to that day.
-- Larry Kane/travelgourmet
-- Larry Kane/travelgourmet
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Over Little League Game
Friday, September 10, 2010
Rogue Valley Medford Airport
Spotted the Eureka at Rogue Valley Medford International Airport at 2:00 pm on 09/10/2010
-- Jeff Blankenhorn
-- Jeff Blankenhorn
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Floating Over Me on San Juan Island
As a lover of flight, it was wonderful to see that machine floating over me on San Juan Island today. I had just read about the ship in my AOPA mag and noticed that you could have stick time for X-amount of $$'s. What an experience!!!
-- john pettigrew
-- john pettigrew
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Eureka at Paine Field Aircraft Show
I was up in Seattle for the weekend, went to the antiquie aircraft show and got this shot of the Eureka with some planes in the foreground.
I hear them talking about your whale watching over the radio this morning, bravo zulu!
-- James Yarger
I hear them talking about your whale watching over the radio this morning, bravo zulu!
-- James Yarger
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Near Mt. Shasta
We spotted the Eureka flying above Interstate 5 near Mt. Shasta, Ca. on August 14th 2010. The ship was a beautiful sight dressed out in it's Farmer's Insurance logo. The near-silent operation of the craft suited the magnificence of the mountain! We followed the ship north from our home in Mt. Shasta City through Weed, Ca. and past the Weed Airport. We last saw it heading northeast in the direction of the Oregon border. We had a lot of fun relaying our "sighting" to friends and family via calls and texts.
-- Denis Hentrich
-- Denis Hentrich
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Graceful and Silent
I work on the 5th floor of the VA Hospital and glancing out my window today saw what I thought was a blimp! I found the details by searching on the web. It was really neat to watch it go out over the water and head north to Paine Field. It was moving right along, but still was graceful and silent. I was at my desk at the perfect time! Sorry I do not have any photos!
-- Alice Victoria
-- Alice Victoria
Coming up the Columbia River
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Nike Campus in Beaverton
After hearing about a blimp cruising around Oregon this week, I was happy to see it floating directly above the Nike Campus in Beaverton around 11am today (August 18). Very cool!
-- Michelle
-- Michelle
Followed the Airship from Medford to Salem
On Monday August 16th I had the pleasure to follow the Airship from Medford to Salem. What a great sight to see!! It was a great day for a drive and Im sure an even better day to be in the air.
-- Chris Cohoon
-- Chris Cohoon
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Mt. Sexton Pass
Saw the airship at the Medford Airport on Sunday, Aug.15th, then on Tuesday morning, Aug. 17th it flew over our house. We live about 10 miles north of Grants Pass...that's about 45 miles north of Medford. The airship was just passing over the Mt. Sexton Pass on the I-5. What a sight!
-- Linda and Richard Colton
-- Linda and Richard Colton
Sunday, August 15, 2010
HDR Photos Taken at Medford Airport

Medford National Airport shot on Sunday 8-15-2010
Shot with a Canon EOS 7D camera 18Mp and a Canon 24-70mm L PRO series lens.
Some of the pics are HDR style (High Dynamic Range) and other are very clean shots.
-- Luis Ruth of Shuttertime 1 Photography.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Overlooking our back pasture I sighted the Zeppelin Eureka heading toward the Lower Table Rock with the Coastal Range Mtns. as the background. It was close to 10:30 a.m on August 14th. Very cool and an awesome change of pace for the Southern Oregon Region. Do not have pictures. :(
-- Melanie Kwiatkowski
-- Melanie Kwiatkowski
Floating above Medford
We were outside at our house (Sam's Valley)and we could see it floating above Medford. It was about 11:20 a.m. August 14. It certainly is huge!!!
-- Evie
-- Evie
Really Cool in the Pre-Dawn Light
I had a great ride on Thursday, and then got the chance to see you leave at dawn this morning. Coming into work just before six am. It was really cool with all of the red beacons lit up in the pre-dawn light.
-- Kelly
-- Kelly
Friday, August 13, 2010
Great View from the Airport Restaurant
My husband took me to lunch at Peter Chu's Two at the Redding Airport just so we could see this wonderful zeppelin. This picture was taken from our table in the restaurant.
-- Shirley Straub
-- Shirley Straub
Redding Sports
She flew right past the sign at Redding Sports Ltd when I arrived at work this morning.
-- Bonita Mahan
-- Bonita Mahan
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Redding Rogue Balloon?
Sitting at my desk. Approx 2:45pm on Aug. 12th here in Redding. I noticed when one of the employees walked up to the window and asked if it was a real blimp? We said no, "It was a rogue balloon from the Macy's day parade"....
-- Mike Carey
-- Mike Carey
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thanks for the 360!
I want to thank the pilot who just flew over my neighborhood in Menlo Park and did a 360 while my 4yo son waved frantically. That made our day! Very special pilot indeed.
-- Deanna Lin
-- Deanna Lin
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Farmers Classic in HD
Eureka above, as we receive HD video for broadcast on ESPN to cover the Farmers Classic at the LA Tennis Center at UCLA.
-- Matthew
-- Matthew
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Seen Near Hollywood
On 7/26/10 at around 5:30 pm, I was driving northbound on the 101 freeway near Hollywood when I spotted a floating object in the hazy sky a few miles ahead. I realized that it was too long to be an ordinary blimp, and I had remembered that Airship Ventures flew sightseeing flights over Los Angeles. When I got to an internet access point, I saw the pictures of the Zeppelin NT and concluded that it was indeed the thing flying over L.A.!
-- David Seiden
-- David Seiden
Near the LA Federal Building
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Los Osos
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Up Close & Personal at Moffett Field
I finally got to fly with you last month. It was a great experience. Thanks again for an excellent flight!
-- Carlos Ortiz
-- Carlos Ortiz
Friday, July 16, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
I saw the Farmer's Airship on Saturday July 10, 2010 flying over North Highlands in Sacramento, Ca. I happened to be driving and saw it gracefully cruising along. I did not have my camera to take it's picture. I did, however, stop to clock it on my handheld "Pocket Radar" at a blistering 30mph. It's a beautiful airship!
-- Jeff
-- Jeff
Friday, July 9, 2010
An Airship Brings People Out!
I saw the airship flying over Sacramento during the afternoon hours on Friday July 9th. Something about an airship that brings people out!
-- Matthew Rhodes
-- Matthew Rhodes
Friday, July 2, 2010
Hiking North of San Diego
Hiking in the San Elijo Lagoon north of San Diego we saw the airship through the early morning haze.
-- Jerry Tilton
-- Jerry Tilton
Monday, June 21, 2010
Imperial Beach
Did not know about your site or I would have posted this sooner. Would love to be a passenger some day!
-- Rodrigo Tapia
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Saw her coming over the Ocean
We saw the ship coming over the ocean above San Simeon, California. I had positioned myself on the boardwalk in nearby Cambria. Then it turned inland (to fly over Hearst Castle). I jumped in the car and headed down the highway. It was really moving and was almost overhead when I got a clear view.
Very fun. Photo was taken on south end of Cambria just off Highway 1.
-- Roland Portillo
Very fun. Photo was taken on south end of Cambria just off Highway 1.
-- Roland Portillo
Saw you in Cambia; beautiful!
I live in Calabasas, Ca., but was in Cambria yesterday. I read in the local paper that you were on your way to Brown Field for a distance record. Sure enough, about a little before ten there you were! Between the hills and the fog, what a beautiful sight! And me, with no camera. Next time!
-- Kevin Sammann
-- Kevin Sammann
From Farmers
I received a call from one of our insured's about the sighting, and looked out our office window. What wonderful advertising for us.
-- Rita Torres, Farmers Insurance
-- Rita Torres, Farmers Insurance
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Above Fiscalini Ranch Preserve
I saw the ship make a course change over San Simeon, while in Cambria. I was expecting her. We almost missed her in Cambria as she followed HWY 1 but saw her appear above the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve. What a beautiful sight. Made my day!
-- Mark Brunschwiler
From our Backyard in Nipomo
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