Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Soaring over Fisherman's Wharf
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
I love to see my friendly neighborhood blimp passing by
My boyfriend and I live at the top of a big hill in San Carlos. We have a wonderful view of the entire south bay area from our porch. The week we moved in was the first time I saw the blimp, and now I see it almost every day. It makes me giggle to watch it just float around the area, I always get a smile on my face when I go to my porch and see it passing by. =)
We saw it flying low above us as we were driving down El Camino Real last weekend, and that was the first time I noticed the lettering on the side. The sighting and tracking portion of the site is so cute! Great feature.
Keep flying high, I love to see my friendly neighborhood blimp passing by =D (I always secretly hope it will do a fly by in the valley below our porch haha =D .
-- Sara
We saw it flying low above us as we were driving down El Camino Real last weekend, and that was the first time I noticed the lettering on the side. The sighting and tracking portion of the site is so cute! Great feature.
Keep flying high, I love to see my friendly neighborhood blimp passing by =D (I always secretly hope it will do a fly by in the valley below our porch haha =D .
-- Sara
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
It's awesome to see an airship around here!

I think we saw you over the San Francisco Bay around lunchtime on Sunday... See my blog at:
It's awesome to see an airship around here - good luck to you!!
-- Michael Thomas
Monday, November 30, 2009
At Los Altos for the Parade
My group was assembling at the Los Altos Post Office on November 30, 2009 for the Festival of Lights parade, when we caught sight of the Eureka!
Sadly, it veered off and sailed away from us.
-- Bob Felice
Sadly, it veered off and sailed away from us.
-- Bob Felice
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Two 'fer
Saw her over Santa Monica Airport
Over Santa Monica Airport, coming in from the north east.
About 11:15am Nov 22, 2009
-- Brian Hart
About 11:15am Nov 22, 2009
-- Brian Hart
Friday, November 13, 2009
A great rainbow polka-dotted outfit

I took this digital photo at the Vertical Challenge Helicopter Air Show, at the Hiller Aviation Museum in San Carlos, Calif., on June 20, 2009. I saw this little girl in a great rainbow polka-dotted outfit sitting atop her dad's shoulders and I knew I had to get a shot of her with something unique in the air. Airship Ventures' airship with the rainbow balloon-decorated "Up!" logo was that perfect "something." What a nice, fortuitous pairing. The only thing marring the airship, on its right, in my photo was the big, gray dust spot on my camera lens -- but I think it can be "Photoshopped" out of the image. Thank you for piloting your airship out there for us all to view and enjoy at the show.
-- Tannie Soo Hoo
I saw Eureka right in front of me, hovering over the campus lawn.
Though I have seen your airship many times, I was gifted on Thursday, 11/12/09 when I walked out of the administrative building at SLAC National Accelerator Lab (about 3:45 p.m.) and saw Eureka right in front of me, hovering over the campus lawn. I watched (and waved) until the pilot deftly turned it toward Stanford and then rapidly headed home to Moffett.
I grew up in this area in the 50's and love having a "blimp" (I know, airship) in the skies once again. The excitement has not diminished.
Sorry - no photos - I regrettably didn't even have my phone/camera!
-- Janice Dabney
I grew up in this area in the 50's and love having a "blimp" (I know, airship) in the skies once again. The excitement has not diminished.
Sorry - no photos - I regrettably didn't even have my phone/camera!
-- Janice Dabney
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Eureka? Or a UFO?
John Hibble asks "Have you done any stationary night flights. I have seen rapidly pulsating red, blue green and white lights over Santa Cruz on 8/29, 9/3, 9/4, 9/23, 10/23, 10/30, 10/31, and 11/2."
Very curious, but no, we have not!
Very curious, but no, we have not!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Every day we play the game, "Is the blimp in its spot?"
I drive up and down the 101 from San Jose to Palo Alto twice a day on the way to work/school, with my kids. One of the highlights of the trip is passing by Moffett Field and sighting the blimp. Every day we play the game, "Is the blimp in its spot?" My 3-year old son, Shai, gets so excited when he sees the blimp near the hangar. It really brings a smile to his face! And an even bigger smile when we spot it in the air!
-- Maureen Krantz
-- Maureen Krantz
Thursday, November 5, 2009
High Above San Francisco
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Pulling Away from Pier 41 on the Ferry
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Silhouetted by the fading sunlight, was the airship...
I work in Silicon Valley, so I often see the airship in the middle of the day, but yesterday was a special treat. I was just walking to my car at sunset, and the sky was painted with dusky oranges and purples. I looked up, and, hovering over the Skyline and silhouetted by the fading sunlight, was the airship, floating by in stately tranquility. It was just magical.
-- Sarah
-- Sarah
Friday, October 16, 2009
When the Zeppelin stepped up and did her "Happy Dance" in the sky, we were totally enthralled!
October 10,2009
David & I love boats & planes so what could be better than a combination of both at Fleet Week in San Francisco! We "oohed & aahed" at the Parade of Ships led by the SF Fire Boat spraying thousands of gallons of water high into the air. We "oohed & aahed" at the aerial acrobatics so brilliantly orchestrated, but when the Zeppelin stepped up and did her "Happy Dance" in the sky, we were totally enthralled with a ship that we decided we will most definitely ride one day!
-- Rita Montell
Monday, October 12, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Welcome to the City by the Bay
Work at SFO Airport for United Airlines evening shift see Zep fly over airport pretty cool!! ("Welcome to the city by the bay")
- Mez
- Mez
Spotted over Redwood City - What a Sight!
I spotted you this morning (October 10, 2009) as you flew over Redwood City! What a great sight - I'm eager to take a ride.
-- Joyce
-- Joyce
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Working at Lighthouse Field (Santa Cruz)
I was working at Lighthouse Field (west cliff drive in santa cruz) on 10/06/09 and your ship flew by several times. I could read the ad on the side directing me to this website.
-- Ernie
-- Ernie
Downtown Morgan Hill
Friday, October 2, 2009
Walking home from the Caltrain station
I was walking home from the Caltrain station this afternoon while listening to Metallica on my iPhone when I looked up and through the palm trees there was this large zeppelin sailing by.
-- Michelle
-- Michelle
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
I saw it flying over Universal Studios
I saw it flying over Universal Studios while I was working.
-- Stacy Lambert
-- Stacy Lambert
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Nice to see people enjoying the playground that is our airspace
As an avid veteran pilot, it was nice to see people enjoying the playground that is our airspace... right over the property.
blue skies.
-- Skip Orsik
blue skies.
-- Skip Orsik
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Two Giants, Antonov and Zeppelin

Michael Cierpka (Ground Crew Chief on loan to us from Zeppelin) sends us these great photos he took the other day of Eureka in the background, and a wonderous Antonov An-124 transport in the foreground.
Friday, September 25, 2009
San Francisco Tour as Experienced from Oakland
A friend of ours sent us this nice mix he did of his flight last fall. It gives a good feel for our San Francisco tour as operated from Oakland airport. Includes some fun footage around 4:40 where we load the air stairs into the ship after the last flight of the day, prior to returning to home base.
Thanks Craig!
Thanks Craig!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
SF Symphony at the Embarcadero - Eureka appeared for the finale
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
We live under the airship approach path into Long Beach Airport
We live under the airship approach path into Long Beach Airport, so we see Eureka whenever she's in the area.
Here are shots of her at the mast on Sunday, 9/6, when the day's LA Basin tours were over.
I hope to get some better shots of her on approach, landing and departure next time she's in Long Beach. Or, if you prefer, I can point you to the vantage points on Signal Hill. A professional would surely make better use of the location.
-- Tom Barclay
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Coming Home from Karate Practice
I was coming home from karate practice in Morgan Hill to Gilroy on Monterey Rd. It was white and it had a reddish orange "X" and a blueish strip. I thought it was really cool.
from Ezekiel and Dad
P.S. I am 6 years old
from Ezekiel and Dad
P.S. I am 6 years old
Santana Row
I was in Santana Row on the afternoon of 8 Sep09 and saw the Airsip coming over the plaza section.
-- Ciro A Morales III
-- Ciro A Morales III
Highway 246, from Lompoc to Buellton
I was coming home from work around 12:15 pm on hwy246, from Lompoc to buellton. I looked up as i was driving and saw your air ship......very cool..... I thought to myself what a fun thing to do. Would love to know if you do this area...Lompoc, Santa Barbara, Santa Yanez valley?
-- Bill Marable
-- Bill Marable
Monday, September 7, 2009
To our surprise, the airship
At the bounce house party
It's 6:20pm and my son, who just turned six yesterday, came running into the house screaming. We still had the bounce house blown up from the birthday party he had. He and his 3 year old, special needs brother were outside bouncing. So naturally I though something happened to his brother...but NO. He was screaming "BLIMP, BLIMP". We all looked up in the sky and saw your airship. We live in North Tustin, CA
-- Jenna Weil
-- Jenna Weil
My kids thought it was the coolest thing ever!
My kids and I saw the ship today over the City of Orange. We pulled into El Modena High Schools parking lot and watched it hover. My kids thought it was the coolest thing ever!
-- Jennifer
-- Jennifer
Over Corona del Mar State Beach
Saw the Zeppelin Sat the 5th over Corona del Mar State Beach, and couldn't to check out the website and see "what's the deal".
-- Doug
-- Doug
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Near the Trump Golf Course
I was swimming in my pool, R.Palos Verdes, your zeppelin came from the east, harbor area. Near the Trump golf course the nose went up, then the airship turned and went back to where it came from. I have seen you on other days, but never could read your name!!! What a great sight! I want to take a ride, close to/over my home!!!
no pics, yet!!!!
-- ela
no pics, yet!!!!
-- ela
A few photos from Signal Hill
We live near Long Beach Airport, so when Eureka's in town we are forever rushing out into the front yard, into the street, or up Signal Hill to get a good look at your beautiful airship. And a few photos, too.
I understand Rod Roddenberry is part of Airship Ventures [ED - he flew with us, but isn't officially involved]; my father knew Rod's father slightly, and I had a slight e-mail acquaintance with Mrs. BR. Glad to know Rod's been involved in something so exciting.
-- Tom Barclay
"Papa, look at the big balloon, I want to fly in it!"
We live on the bay at Newport Beach and when the ship was flying by, my granddaughter screamed "papa look at the big balloon, I want to fly in it".
No photos.
-- Lou Faubert
No photos.
-- Lou Faubert
Friday, September 4, 2009
Caught a brief glimpse in Long Beach
Thursday, September 3, 2009
From your July 4 visit to Long Beach

My 8 year old son suddenly went on a zeppelin kick. He's been reading zeppelin history books as bedtime stories. When we found out that ship was going to be in LA for the fourth of July, he was so excited. We drove down to Long Beach and found a spot where we could watch the ship take off. Here's the best 2 shots.
-- Brad Gake
Saw you over Sony Picture Studios
I saw you flying over Sony Picture Studios at about 1:20pm
-- Richard
-- Richard
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Airship Ventures Zeppelin over Lexington Reservoir

I had just finished by mountain bike ride on the Limekiln Tail in the Sierra Azul Preserve and was heading back along the Lexington Reservoir when the Zeppelin flew right over the lake. It moves faster than you think. Was just able to snap a picture of it as it headed for the summit.
-- Steve Wilhelm
Down at the pier at Cayucos, California
After receiving a text message from above Hearst Castle, I zipped my gondola down to the pier at Cayucos, California, just north of Morro Rock, and was pleased to see the Zeppelin turn east and fly directly over me. Thanks again, and see you soon!
-- Stillman Brown
-- Stillman Brown
Seen flying east of Vandenberg AFB
I saw your airship flying east of Vandenberg AFB. Looked pretty cool!
-- John
-- John
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Seen from Highway 17
I was driving up Highway 17 and it followed me all the way to my house near Ocean View Road.
-- Joey Robinson
-- Joey Robinson
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Seen over the fishhook, Santa Cruz
Driving home toward Santa Cruz from San Jose over Hwy 17 and coming toward fishhook saying that is the hugest thing I have ever seen! Now I know why=). Looking forward to seeing you again. Next time I'll take pictures.
-- Amanda
-- Amanda
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
19th century below 21st above
Friday, August 21, 2009
We were In a 66 Austin Healey Convertible, so shot some overheads

I attended the Monterey Historics Races at Laguna Seca Raceway on August 15th. We were in a 66 Austin Healey Convertible, so shot some overheads. We couldn't figure out the logo at first - I mentioned to my friend that you could rent the airship for private flights. he wanted to know how many pax it could hold and I told him I wasn't sure. He thought for a moment and came back with "24! 23 and me." Wasn't until later it was all about DNA.
I was trying for a period Zeppelin shot over the racing Porsche but the ship was too far away.
-- Doug Wilder
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Above Cottle Ranch, San Jose
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
80th Anniversary of Graf Zeppelin Over Tokyo

Our counterpart in Japan, Nippon Airship Corporation, is offering an anniversary flight today. Wish we were there! We'll be raising a box of Nigori this evening to toast the event.
Zeppelin and Antonov
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